Young Rebel star Prabhas, Pooja Hegde starring latest movie Radhe Shyam. Directed by Radha Krishna Kumar, the film is produced by Vamsi-Pramod-Prasheeda under the banner of Gopikrishna Movies and UV Creations with Krishna Raju presenting. The film is expected to be the 20th film of Prabhas career. The promotional films that have already been released are particularly impressive. Sachin Khedkar playing the lead role in the film, has revealed the story line of 'Radhe Shyam'.
Sachin Kedkar Movie Concept Reveals 'Radhe Shyam' is a beautiful romantic love story between astrology and science. Prabhas will be seen in the film as a man with very clear ideas about the future .. He said that his role will continue to be interesting. Sachin also revealed that he will be seen in the role of a doctor in the film.